APEMO delivers a clean-audit outcome
Ohahlamba Local Municipality, led by the African People’s Movement, received a clean audit outcome result from the Auditor General of South Africa for the 2021/2022 financial year. This clean audit outcome was a very sound affirmation and endorsement of the leadership’s commitment to exercise diligent financial management. Under the leadership of His Worship the Mayor, Cllr Vikizitha Mlotshwa, the municipality is committed to exercise effective governance and oversight in the management of the municipality’s finances. “We are very humbled by this achievement” Cllr Mlotshwa.
The 2021/2022 financial year proved to be a tough year for the municipality and despite the odds against us, we have managed to remain consistent in implementing a clean administration.
A golden thread and the ultimate key factor that has ensured our consistency as a municipality is the collective of staff that we have, and fondly refer to as family. We work as a team with a shared- vision to empower and transform the lives of the people that we have been entrusted to serve. The municipality also implemented National Treasury circulars to ensure cost-containment measures and to work within a framework of proper sound financial management practices. We have adjusted to our new political leadership and forged a good working relationship premised on oversight and commitment to progress that the municipality is striving towards achieving.
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank the council, our team of staff, the members of our over sight committees, government departments, all stakeholders and the community of Okhahlamba for the support that you have shown us through the year. Our success is only through your ongoing commitment and we are very thankful for your support” Cllr V. Mlotshwa.
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